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New wealthy clients in estate planning

Newly Wealthy Clients

Dear Reader, 


   There is a new generation of high net worth clients emerging, and the advice we give to these nouveau riche is quite different from the advice we would render to our seasoned clients. In fact, much of this instruction was given to our established clients a couple of decades ago – and it has played a leading role in their current prosperity. One of our primary objectives at the firm is to play the long game – plan for generations ahead so that your family can securely enjoy their lives now and later. 

   These pointers may seem common sense to us, but they are a paradigm shift to the new generation of high net worth clients. So, how do we nurthure these green, green-making saplings?

Here are some general pointers from a recent article on

  • Define the difference between rich & wealthy
    • Just because the extra zeros are at the end of the account balance does not mean spending should get out of control. Which leads us to…
  • Make conscious decisions
    • Increased income does provide for a more comfortable lifestyle, but if we want that lifestyle to be long-term we have to think long-term.
  • Build a team
    • It takes a village (of talented advisors) – to raise a newly rich child. Putting together one’s financial planning team is an important foundational step to the long game of protecting our wealth.

   In addition to this article, our firm also provides free workshops in our office twice a month that cover important estate planning topics such as available tools to minimize estate taxes and protecting a family’s assets NOW. Visit our website today for more information, or call our office today. We value partnering with knowledgable advisors like you. Please let us know how we can continue to be a resource to you as well!

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Best regards,

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